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Pois é cá está mais uma destes rapazes q vão aos arames quando alguem os rouba mas roubar o q é dos outros n tem mal nenhum, faz lembrar o ditado - Faz o q digo, n faças o q eu faço...amazing...


I will be posting my comments on here later today, perhaps yanden or steveB can to.

I got to work right now. Anyway I posted this here so someone else doesnt do it.



April 3, 2008 – 8:12 am by (CTDP)Neidryder

MMG’s Bahrain Track by SteveB

Right now we want to give a small statemant to the community. On 31/03/08 MMG’s Bahrain Track was released and we took a closer look at it because in the first release of the trackpack we already found lots of our stuff in the track.

With the new release of the trackpack, we again found things identical to ours:

These pictures proof us right. Nobody can ignore that at least buildings are used from our Bahrain and on the videowalls our CTDP2005 mod videos are running.

To sort out this issue we contacted Yanden as MMG’s “CEO” and to Phil as MMG’s Webmaster. We also talked to F1Racer and showed him this “issue”. Nothing happened. Then we talked to Phil on MSN and resend the mail so he knows everything now. He said he will talk to SteveB about that.
Yesterday I re-asked him the third time to remove the download until this issue is sorted out. I don’t want to publish the whole chatlog, but to summarize it, he said he won’t take it offline. This sounds interesting cause they accuse F1RFT of using their work. Looks like a double moral standard here..

We talked to Ralph Hummerich,too and he never gave any permission to convert this track,too. So everybody can draw his own conclusion but here is CTDP’s stand on the whole issue. We’re not very happy about that. We would have prefered a more internal solution for this “issue”.

There is nothing more to say from our side, we just want to present the facts.

Será que eles não sabem que se descobre SEMPRE se um mod usa ou não material de outros mods, e continuam sempre a cair nos mesmos erros...

CTDP ftw
[Image: mclev2.jpg]
[Image: bercarnt3qu5.jpg]
tás sempre me cima do acontecimento!
[Image: StickFight.gif] [Image: RPAB-TF109-03copy.jpg]
Do melhor!!!!!
Pois estou :biggrinbandit: Realmente Berto será q esta gente n se enxerga??? Vergonhoso, tanta coisa por causa da F1RFT e depois fazem o mesmo e dizem q é deles...amazing. Já com a pista da Australia aconteceu a mesma coisa , roubaram o Frank e ....ah é nosso...isto é q é ter moral...além do mais em relação ao F1RFT quem se podia queixar eram os gajos do F1c visto q tudo foi convertido de lá exepto as jantes e volantes se n me engano...

Eu até parece q adivinhei, quando vi o release no site da mmg dessa pista a dizerem que o RH tinha dado permissão desconfiei logo. Este Yanden e gajos como ele são uma vergonha para o modding. Bolas, tanta aldrabice :evil::suspicious:
[Image: fundonk0.jpg]
qualquer dia dizem que este mod d 2007 também é de outra gente... lol
[Image: 78367385.jpg]
Este Yanden deve realmente ter a mania. Rouba aos outros, mas quando é com o trabalho dele, tá quieto Alfredo, e é um desconfiado do caraças.
Olha que fixe, nem eu esperava isto.
Bem eles que se entendam mas não se faz isto a ninguém, querem usar coisas de outros modders que peçam, agora se houver m$%$% axo muito bem.
If you want to win it, you got to believe it.
[Image: mrcorsenovaimagem.gif]
Canal Youtube
Bom isto ainda é mais giro hehe :biggrinbandit:

This is kinda funny. You guys want my opion on this, its really simple.

I am told we do have premission for this track.

Regardless if we do have premission or not, I don't really care. Man shame i was nice enough to even give FIRFT premission to use our stuff from Fsone, and its quite sad to see other people get all worked up with us using stuff from them. CTDP AND FRANKBR? Why? Jealous? I asked FrankBR for premission, and still it was a no. If our track was s h it, I would bet u guys 1 000 000 bucks he would of said ok, just like he did say ok for melbroune v1.0. he says this "Oh you can use melbroune v1.0 but not v2.0 ?" Go figure. No wonder i got confused and thought i had premissions.

IT was very retarded of CTDP to mention us and FIRFT. WTF. I let FIRFT use our mod didn't I? I just wanted our mod credited. If this bahrain track is indeed CTDP owned, then of course i would of credited them.

Anyway it does not matter. If this doesn't work out, I am making my own track pack called F1 mods track pack. You can say all you want, but I am d**n sure gonna release them on here. Hell maybe I should leak CTDP 06, Since they are being very nice.

What else is sad, is that CTDP bahrain track isn't legal either. I will explain more later. Theres been a lot of problems with RH and CTDP bahrain track back in the day as well.

I rather have Petros and SteveB explain stuff on here a bit more. It's just really gotten me pissed off, and im frusterated right now. SteveB compared this track to F1c version and ... I don't wanna explain. I rather have you guys hear it from him when he comes on.

Regardless this is my site, and i choose what i want to release on here. If Firft did that to our mod for years, and all you guys played it, then why not ? Again this would have nothing to do with MMG. does not equal MMG.


Also on the brighter side.

V2.0 of MMG 07 will be much more capable of driving on standard rFactor track bumps.

Kay, and I have been working on the physics tweeks for the past several weeks.

Just to let everyone know. To guess right now Estimated release date next week.

This does not mean I want to stop on the track pack. I want to continue doing that. Legally perferly. If not possible, I will take illegal root. I don't care anymore. Becuasue the community (other mods) isn't helping us the way we would of liked them to.


Agora sim tudo explicado...em bom Português ...PQP :23:

É o discurso típico, não aceitam responsabilidade, a culpa é sempre dos outros, e claro a cereja em cima do bolo, mais e mais promessas:rolleyes:
[Image: mclev2.jpg]
[Image: bercarnt3qu5.jpg]

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