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Patch 1087 para descarregar
Podem fazer o download directamente da ISI (mais tarde), mas agora já está no site rfstockcars, tanto em versão Exe como Zip.

Patch oficial (beta) continuando a incluir e a integrar os stockcars no rFactor.
Inclui muitas optimizações, etc... Ler no Readme abaixo.
Usar com cautela, mas em principio seguro... instalar numa cópia da instalação principal
Mirrors tb na Uspits e outros sites dentro em breve.
Varios servers publicos estarão já online esta noite.

Devem instalar porque o server vai usá-lo assim que possível. :racer:

Principais alterações/correcções/adições:

<span style="color:#6666CC">Gameplay
- Implemented Private Qualifying.
- Added support for double-file restarts. Double-file restarts can be enabled with an RFM entry (in the DefaultScoring section) &quot;DoubleFileRestarts=1&quot;. RFM entry can be overridden with PLR file entry &quot;Double File Override&quot;.
- Added support for lucky dog rule. Lucky dog rule can be enabled with an RFM entry (in the DefaultScoring section) &quot;LuckyDog=&lt;1-3&gt;&quot;. Value 1 implements it for ovals only, 2 for road courses only, and 3 for both. RFM entry &quot;LuckyDogLapsLeft&quot; specifies how laps much be left in the race to apply the lucky dog rule - default is 10. PLR file entry &quot;Lucky Dog Override&quot; can be used to override RFM entry.
- Added pit timer using message center.
- Optimized and updated the vehicle labels to show yellow for the vehicle you should be following on rolling starts or full-course yellows.
- Added more nationalities (most without flags).
- Vehicle label now used over safety car (which is useful for indicating if a driver is supposed to be following it).
- Fixed/improved double file restarts. Added &quot;DoubleFileRestarts&quot; entry to NSCRS06.rfm file, which now indicates whether restarts are double file and how many laps left there needs to be to apply it.
- Added direct access controls for the HUD MFD pages, which are unmapped by default. They should interact sensibly with the existing HUD MFD controls.

- Fixed broken Steering Wheel PLR file entry.
- Added steering wheel option in UI.
- Now using head-tracking movement in cockpit to affect mirror direction. To disable this effect, add 4 to the PLR file option &quot;Moving Rearview&quot;.
- Fixed a shadow updating bug with TimeAcceleration=None.
- Possible fix for custom helmet skin problem in multiplayer.
- Seat position now stored per-vehicle, but only for owned vehicles.

Tracks and Vehicles
- Jacksonville superspeedway.
- Stock cars.
- Removed most unnecessary scoring overrides in existing track GDB files (such as &quot;QualifyDay=Saturday&quot;) and made sure the correct defaults were in the RFM file. Overrides should only be used when necessary (to create a night event, for example, or to change the pitlane speed limit on small tight tracks).

Artificial Intelligence
- AI can attempt to &quot;learn&quot; a track (by learn I mean, better follow the path). To enable turn on Autocalibrate AI Mode=&quot;1&quot; in .plr file. Enter a track in Test Day with a single AI. The AI will take off and talk to you in chat and tell you how he's doing. Typeing &quot;status&quot; tells you how he's doing and &quot;finish&quot; will make him end next lap.
- AI's upon Init now look recursively up from the *.veh directory for a trackname.ini file that modifies the speed and position of every waypoint on the main track.
- Improved AI behavior when rolling to standing starts on banks. If all else fails will teleport to their locations.
- Improved AI pit behavior, should no longer slow down for cars heading into pits
- Fixed &quot;Safety car always drives 10 meters off road/crashes into walls&quot; bug
- Improved calculation of AI max cornering speed.

- New TBC entry to define rim properties.
- Improvement to vehicle sliding-down-hill problem.
- Added ability to have non-linear grip drop-off with wear. See &quot;WearGrip&quot; value in Form_Tires.tbc for more info.
- Fixed a minor HAT file bug that could actually improve performance slightly.

Input Devices
- Added controller.ini option &quot;FFB steer force grip function&quot; that controls how quickly you lose steering force as the front grip decreases. Lower values will reduce the effect where all force is lost when understeering. Note that previously hardcoded default was 1.0, but new default is 0.55 which will change the feel somewhat.

- Fixed Race Starting Time on client Race Settings tab.
- Added multiplayer.ini option &quot;Fast Rolling Starts&quot; for the dedicated server to skip the formation lap of rolling starts (just like non-dedicated servers can do with the Space key).
- Added Chat Lobby to matchmaker.
- Added rFNetworkManager chat to NetCommUtilPlugin.dll.
- Removed IRCPlugin.dll.
- Added chat coloring for lobby chat.
- Removed IRC server option from multiplayer.ini.
- Added option to multiplayer.ini to allow/disallow auto joining to lobby chat server.
- Fixed &quot;sort by rfm&quot; button.
- Fixed server list problem of that cause the game to join a server that was not selected.
- Added inactive command to lobby chat server and client. Unless a lobby chat window is visible you will not receive any messages and the clients name will be gray in the roster.
- Removed some more unnecessary vehicle graphics initialization from the dedicated server.
- Fixed it so you can maximize dedicated server replays.

Results File
- Added Mod filename and Season to the results XML file.
- Added a little bit more information to the results XML line regarding contact - it now includes what or who the contact was with.

- Allow for vehicles to have a series of categories in VEH file, and display a full tree in option.
- Category in .VEH should look like this: Category=&quot;Hammer,Sledge,10 lb.&quot;
- Added HDV entries to configure the pit menu and the time required to perform pitstop operations. New options are available for which tires to change, what tire compounds are allowed, tire pressures, spring rubbers, wedge, radiator, track bar, fender flare, and more damage repair. See the FormulaIS.hdv file for an example.
- Added configurable yellow flag and penalty rules (available through RFM or GDB entries).
- Added RFM option for when yellow is called. &quot;FreezeOrder&quot; where 0=race to the line and 1=track order gets frozen immediately.
- Added alternate timing for &quot;Max Framerate&quot; player file option due to reports it wasn't working well on some machines. Negating the target framerate will cause the game to use an alternate timing mechanism which is more accurate but uses more CPU.
- Changed code to allow caution light and safety car light animations (must use new animation type &quot;skip frame 0&quot;, where frame 0 is off).
- Fixed tracedyn.txt to report possibly useful results with trace=3.
- Eliminated redundant and useless PLR file entries: CURNT and RPLAY settings no longer exist; PRACT, QUICK and GPRIX all share the QUICK setting; and CHAMP info is stored in the CCH files.
- Enabled variable-distanced safety car trigger locations to enable smooth safety laps on unconventionally shaped tracks . In AIW file, look for &quot;SafetyCarReleaseDist=&quot;.
- Added ability to control practice/qual/warmup starting times through player file entries without editing an RFM. Included are options for random start times (either 24-hours or only daylight hours).
- Changed practice/qual/warmup configurable durations (in the multiplayer.ini file) to allow 1-minute increments up to 10 minutes.
- Added RFM and/or PLR file &quot;Parc Ferme&quot; settings, a.k.a. &quot;Covered Car&quot; which prevent changing most or all garage settings between qualifying and the race. Also included are RFM options for how the new Parc Ferme options apply to fuel levels and used tires.
- Changed player file option &quot;Fixed Free Settings&quot; to &quot;Free Settings&quot;, which is now applicable to both fixed setups and parc ferme setups.
- Modders, please check updated RFM files for all new rules.
- Changed player file value &quot;Blue Flags&quot; to &quot;BlueFlags&quot; with the default value of 7 which now means to take the RFM value &quot;BlueFlags=&lt;0-6&gt;&quot;. If player file value is 7 and no value is found in the RFM, the default behavior is 3: show blue flags for vehicles within 0.5 seconds and penalize if receiver doesn't move over in a reasonable amount of time.
- Added pitbox re-skinning (instance and material on track should be named &quot;PITBOX01&quot; to &quot;PITBOX52&quot;, vehicle skin should be the same as the default skin with &quot;pitbox&quot; appended).
- Fixed a possible server crash when a full-course yellow is pending and the safety car doesn't have time to pull out of ******* on this lap.
- New terrain data file (TDF) entries allow special road or collision sounds. For example, adding the line &quot;InsideRoad=Secondary\specialroad&quot; under a [FEEDBACK] entry will play an interior sound (the specified WAV file under the GameData/Sounds directory) when driving over that type of road. &quot;OutsideRoad&quot;, &quot;InsideColl&quot;, and &quot;OutsideColl&quot; can also be used. While you can use each of these multiple times within the TDF file, only one sound file per type can be used currently. In other words, only four unique 'special' sounds can be specified at this time.
- Fixed ambient sound locator so crowd and other noises should now be possible.

Known Issues
- AI doesn't always follow the correct vehicle during cautions, and doesn't always obey lucky dog or double file restart rules.
- Full-course yellows don't happen unless vehicles are stopped on track, regardless of 'Safety Car Threshold' player file setting. New option will be introduced in the future.
- No admin commands to correct scoring errors yet.
- More accurate drafting needed, and more configurable.
- Passing before s/f line isn't legal at all, not even on outside. Need configurable options for this rule.
- Commentary/spotter not implemented yet.
- Need option to force specific upgrades on some vehicles at certain tracks.
- No easy way to hold people at pit exit if the train is going by, although we do add them to the end of the line (doesn't seem to always work properly, though).<!--sizec-->

Devem descarregar e instalar, porque em principio vai ser instalado no server.
Obrigado, um abraço e boas voltas!:amuse:
I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant....Sleepy
Por acaso e que tivesse visto só dá mesmo para fazer o download desse site, ainda por cima é preciso fazer um registo competamente inutil só para poder ter a patch. Enfim era a ISI que devia tratar disso nos seus sites e não outros.
ArrayPor acaso e que tivesse visto só dá mesmo para fazer o download desse site, ainda por cima é preciso fazer um registo competamente inutil só para poder ter a patch. Enfim era a ISI que devia tratar disso nos seus sites e não outros.[/quote]
Pelo que percebi, &quot;os outros&quot; é que estão a dar uma ajuda no Nascar... e como o Nascar é muuuito importante em termos comerciais, retribuiram o apoio permitindo &quot;aos outros&quot; terem o patch um tempinho antes (e em Zip, que parece ser mais facil instalar no server) do download &quot;oficial&quot; na ISI.

E não está só disponivel no rfstockcars... já lá está no control panel do server (do nosso) pronto para instalar à palavra GO... digo, Bora!
Depois da prova teste de Essington desta semana (2ª feira) vamos tentar experimentar a coisa. :amuse::racer:
I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant....Sleepy
ArrayPelo que percebi, &quot;os outros&quot; é que estão a dar uma ajuda no Nascar... e como o Nascar é muuuito importante em termos comerciais, retribuiram o apoio permitindo &quot;aos outros&quot; terem o patch um tempinho antes (e em Zip, que parece ser mais facil instalar no server) do download &quot;oficial&quot; na ISI.

E não está só disponivel no rfstockcars... já lá está no control panel do server (do nosso) pronto para instalar à palavra GO... digo, Bora!
Depois da prova teste de Essington desta semana (2ª feira) vamos tentar experimentar a coisa. :amuse::racer:[/quote]

Sim mas referia-me a downloads publicos, não em servidores.

Quanto a quem está a ajudar, não era a US Pits? :blink:De qualquer seja lá quem for acertou em cheio, pois estes stock cars estão excelentes :racer:
ArraySim mas referia-me a downloads publicos, não em servidores.

Quanto a quem está a ajudar, não era a US Pits? :blink:De qualquer seja lá quem for acertou em cheio, pois estes stock cars estão excelentes :racer:[/quote]
E a GSXN do Bill Bollinger, é lá que está o site rfstockcars...

[Image: 06-02stockcar2.jpg]
I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant....Sleepy

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